Upik8 seven times a week with a 1000 guaranteed jackpot prize

Even More Chances To Win Up To $8,000.00 With Upik8 Bingo! SEVEN Times A Week!

The ‘Classic $1,000.00 Jackpot & Upik8’ Bingo Program Features your chance to win up to $8,000 with Upik8, as well as the $1,000.00 Guaranteed Jackpot Prize.

$1 Per UPik8 Game Card!

The bingo schedule has been updated with more Classic $1,000.00 Jackpot & UPIK8 Games! Now you can play Upik8 SEVEN times a week! With ONE $1,000.00 guaranteed jackpot prize to be won during each of these bingo sessions! Purchase a $1 UPik8 game card, for your chance to win up to $8,000.00! The minimum purchase to play in this bingo program is $7.00.

Visit the Classic $1,000 & UPik8 Jackpot Bingo Program for more information, learn about the price to play, prizes to be won, and game schedule details!

Cambridge Bingo guaranteed jackpot prize - Classic $1000 Jackpot Program

Bingo Programs & Schedule Details!